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Global Walk Cycling Club is a non-profit organization registration number S.777
Your financial and material donations are so precious & vital for the Organisation projects. GWCC is supported by various well wishers, friends, Good Samaritans like you, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Foreign Governments, Churches, Congregations, Ministries, Foundations, and other organizations who treasure our mission.
Donations to Global Walk Cycling Club are used to:
To support Children Orphaned by AIDS & War
HIV/AIDS Prevention & awareness campaigns
Education e.g. Child Sponsorship
To support People Living with Aids e.g. food kits, Drugs, Beddings, Mosquito nets, clothes, housing etc
To support Athletics ,Cyclist 
Seed money for Income generating projects for widows, orphans, youth, grandmother
Peace-building projects
Sports for social change projects
Relief & Humanitarian AID
Medical equipments etc

You can make a difference in someone’s life today by making a donation. If you prefer to donate by mail, please make your check payable to Global Walk Cycling Club to the postal address below. Similarly, direct bank transfers can be made to the bank account listed below.
Mode of donation:
By chaque
By direct bank transfer

By Western Union/Money Gram.
Kindly fill out our secure donation form and please do not forget to click on the submit button. We pledge to keep all the information you have submitted confidential. For any enquiries on how to donate, kindly drop us an email at

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

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