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Sports Ministry: Using sports as a platform to share the hope of Jesus.
Sports has proven to be one of the most effective relationship building tools for the growth of the Gospel. Simply sharing in the game together, whether playing or coaching, quickly breaks down barriers and establishes lasting friendships.
This platform has been at the center of Sports Outreach ministries from the beginning and is still being used today, with Many players involved weekly in these programs. Read about how GWCC uses sports as a ministry outreach in some of the locations we serve.
The Good News Cycling Club runs  teams in the slums. At the cycling games and practices the Gospel message is preached and one-on-one discipleship takes place.
The School of Sports Ministry is designed to train Christian men & women to be leaders through utilizing sports ministry and setting up viable sports programs within their communities. The school also encourages these leaders to create their own self-sustaining ministries.
To develop relationships with youth and adults, share the gospel, and open doors for sharing Christ with others.

Ministry Projects
At the core of every ministry project is the goal of Evangelism & Discipleship.Through Sports.

The goal of Global Walk Cycling Club is to implement ministry projects that are practical, sustainable, and burden lifting for the communities where we serve. These projects are focused in the following areas:

Sports Ministry


Providing clean water, immediate food relief, and sustainable food cyclists
housands upon thousands of children in the regions where Global Walk Cycling Club(GWCC) serves have neither reliable nor consistent cycling of water and food. Each day begins and ends with uncertainty.
Relieving hunger in Pakistan has to start with access to clean water. As opportunities present themselves, and through partnerships with churches and families , GWCC constructs new water wells in Gatwala. Shared by a whole village, a well becomes the foundation for the transformation of the entire community.
In conjunction with our education and sports activities in Pakistan  our ministry staff prepares and serves warm.. During Sports time, the staff teaches children about Christ, shares biblical principles with families, and provides counsel to those who have special needs.


Educating children and adults through schools; biblical teaching through one-on-one discipleship

GWCCoffers scholarships as well as ministry-operated primary schools to provide education for children who would otherwise not have the opportunity to go to school.
provides scholarships for children to be able to obtain an education. Because school fees begin in primary school, the families of these children would otherwise not have been able to send their children to school.
Along with academic development, GWCC is committed to teaching the Gospel message through all ministry aspects. This is achieved through church plants in Pakistan,  as well as Bible studies, camps, and other forms of outreach programs.
One-on-one discipleship aimed at training men and women to grow their faith and share the Gospel in their communities is a focus of all GWCC staff.
To learn how you can play a part in educating children as well as biblical discipleship, we invite you to contact us.Email:


Practical vocational and life skill training programs
Practical job and life skill training takes place weekly by GWCC staff within the communities we are serving with the hope of creating sustainable income for families. The programs include brick making, sewing, farming, baking and mechanics.
The goal is for these individuals to become empowered as they learn a new trade. Additionally GWCC provides micro-business loans to participants of the vocational training programs, further growing confidence as these men and women begin their own businesses.

 Wellness and prevention awareness education

Providing accurate information and practical resources GWCC offers Public Health ministry programs to empower those who are suffering from many different physical ailments.
Specifically in Pakistan ministry of compassion to HIV & AIDS victims . GWCC staff strives to educate the local population regarding disease awareness, prevention and treatment.
Through the sharing of the Gospel, GWCC seeks to impart the knowledge of Gods mercy and to instill compassion and kindness in the hearts of others.

GWCC has developed several support and care groups that facilitate fellowship, education,
spiritual nurturing, and practical assistance.Punjab College of Commerece Faisalabad Pakistan Through partnership certificates have been issued to GWCC staff and volunteers who have been trained and demonstrate a working understanding of Public Health education and the value of spreading this knowledge to the people they ministry to on a daily basis.
GWCC staff currently meets with  HIV positive women each week to pray, study the Bible, worship and make jewelry and other items.

Public Health

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